Basic informations about cottage
The Cottage at Zelené pleso The Cottage at Zelené pleso provides an accommodation in the category of tourist hostel, which in practice means that we do not apply the hotel system – selling a whole room, but a particular place to sleep – beds. All beds in the rooms are provided with a pillow, duvet and bed sheets. Accommodation with own sleeping bag, without bed sheets in the room is not possible. You can book a separate accommodation/ the whole room – you have to mention it in advance by email, but in that case, you also pay for unoccupied beds in the room.accommodation regulations.. Accommodation for a dog is possible in outdoor pens, where the dog has a separate covered space 2.5 m X 2.5 m with its own kennel/shed. As we obtain electricity exclusively from the power plant and a small water turbine, the plugs are only in the dining room designed exclusively for recharging batteries, telephones, etc. No other – please do not carry stronger electrical appliances with you.
Is a possible multimedia presentation, it is available outside the opening or in the evening, a widescreen TV, in the bar for a maximum of 40 people , and a projection screen on the covered terrace of the cottage, for about the same amount persons. And a climbing wall with pre-prepared ones is also available borhakmi for practicing self-defense and belaying There is also a small bar with up to 40 seats capacity, which can be arranged for private events, too. Even if the cottage is supplied with technology – during the summer by car and in the winter with a snowmobile, we do NOT provide commercial exports!!! ! Only partly disabled or disabled visitors can be taken up under sufficiently pre-agreed conditions.. All other requirements are in accordance with the Commercial Code and the accommodation regulations, prepared and approved by the owners of the cottage KST and JAMES.